Nicole Yue
Nicole Yue
Welcome to my site! I'm excited you are here!
I'm featuring a 'Current theme' below, and you can go to the next page to find a little bit 'About' me. There's also a way of reaching out in 'Contact.'
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Current theme: times of change
what humanity has to say?
Coming out of the depths of a pandemic, and with global shifts in how technology is used and what's possible, Nicole and her collaborators are wondering what can be done to help. The types of help that seem relevant so far include: reflecting on what is happening, what impacts there are to human beings and society, and how this relates to historical examples and lessons learned. Articulating perspectives and questions to consider as we integrate ethical, values-based and data-driven reasoning, and look into the future. And connecting with fellow humans on ways of coping, imagining, envisioning, creating and inspiring.
Jessie Brown
Derek Zhu
Derek is collaborating with Nicole on new, not yet published, content. Sign up for updates (above) on this dynamic collaboration!